Move forward in your calling
This certificate program is for both the professional staff, Elders, Deacons, and lay leaders to discern their spiritual gifts and natural abilities. These courses are designed to help you increase your influence and leadership capacity in the local church and throughout God’s Kingdom.
Key Features
Courses that Fit Your Schedule
Pathways to Ministry will offer a nationally accredited program that results in a widely accepted Certificate in Biblical Theology.
Credentials for Ministry
Through Carolina Christian College’s partnership with Restorations, Inc. (the ordaining body), following the fourth course, every student will be offered an opportunity for ministry credentialing either in the form of licensing (renewed annually) or ordination for ministry (permanent credentials).
Fits Your Schedule
Your full commitment will be 5-8 hours per week, which will include lectures, class assignments, and practice ministry experience. This is your commitment per course; if you choose to take more than one course at a time, you should plan accordingly. The whole process should take no less than 1 year and no more than 2 years.
Affordable for Everyone
The cost for the Certificate of Biblical Ministry is only $500.00 (payable in $50 increments at the beginning of each course).
Flexible Format
Most courses will be available in either a traditional classroom format or online through a digital community. Each course is offered at least every 24 months (including summers), with most offered annually (including summers). Online courses will be available upon registration.